While investigating a drug-trafficking app, “Monster Cop” Ma Seok-do and his team discover a connection between the app’s developer, who was murdered in the Philippines, and an illegal online gambling organisation. Meanwhile, in the Philippines, Baek Chang-gi is controlling the Korean online illegal gambling market and spreading terror with kidnap, assault and murder. His partn...
作为商场的保安主管,罗尼(塞斯·罗根 Seth Rogen 饰)对自己的职业很不满意。在他的幻想里,他应该穿着挺括的制服,携带着警徽和配枪,没错,罗尼的梦想是成为一名警察。对于罗尼的梦想,周围的同时和朋友们都不以为然,尤其是漂亮的收银员布兰迪(安娜·法瑞丝 Anna Faris 饰),更是常常对罗尼这不切实际的梦想冷嘲热讽。
这一天,改变一切的机会到来了,一帮劫匪闯进了商场。得知消息的罗尼迅速在心里打起了算盘,他打算亲手逮捕这帮劫匪以彰显自己“杰出的”警察天赋。然而,现实却并没有想象的那么乐观,罗尼莽撞的行为不仅为自己带来了麻烦,同时也让负责此案的警官哈里森(雷·利奥塔 Ray Liotta 饰)大为火光。夹在狡诈的劫匪和愤怒的警察之间,罗尼的情况可谓是千钧一发。
杰克(科尔·豪瑟 Cole Hauser 饰)和莫利(凯特·勒维宁 Kate Levering 饰)是一对平凡的夫妻,他们和收养来的儿子乔伊(Maxwell Perry Cotton 饰)过着平静而又安宁的生活。虽然乔伊并非亲生,但莫利和杰克早就将其视如己出。
一天,一通突如其来的电话让美好的生活化作了泡影。原来,乔伊的生父名叫瑞普(巴里·佩珀 Barry Pepper 饰),刚刚出狱的他同妻子温蒂(米拉·索维诺 Mira Sorvino 饰)做出了一个莽撞的决定,他们决定将乔伊从莫利和杰克的身边带走,去建立属于他们的新家庭。这一消息使夫妻二人陷入了极度恐慌,为了保护乔伊不被夺走,他们的脑海里开始酝酿出了一个计划。而在四个大人剑拔弩张之际,谁也没有想到去问一问作为当事人的乔伊心中的想法。
Jules Claus hates Christmas! After his father died last year, he no longer wants anything to do with the ‘most wonderful time of the year’. While his mother is working, Jules is spending a lot of time in his grandfather’s toy shop.
One day he finds a magic snow globe, which brings him to the farthest corners of the world in a magical way. He discovers something very odd: His gr...